Depending on the development you may want to either lodge a single EPC or a batch of EPCs (Fig 1).
Fig 1
Single Lodgement
Fig 2
You should check the EPC to ensure that the contents are correct. If the EPC is correct you need to confirm this by simply checking the box in the top right corner and click ‘Lodge Selected’. A confirmation message should then appear stating that your EPC has been successfully lodged.
Batch Lodgement
Fig 3
To lodge several EPCs you will first need to select, which assessments you wish to lodge, from the list. This is done by checking the boxes (Fig 3). Once you have selected the relevant boxes then confirm that the selected are correct and click ‘Lodge Selected’.
Once an EPC has been lodged then the status will change. If, however, the EPC fails to lodge then you can view the ‘Project Lodgement History’ (Fig 4). Similarly, at this point we would recommend that you contact Stroma Certification for further clarification or email the FSAP file to SAP@stroma.com.
Fig 4